What...? I'm Out of Time Already?
2018 planning is firmly underway. Yes, you read that correctly. 2018 is fast approaching, we are planning, and so should you...
Even though Q3 is begging for our attention like a cranky toddler right now, we all know that the time warp of Q4, year end, and the holidays will soon be here. What do you need to do so you have a strategy in place for 2018?
Some of the things we hear from sales leaders include:
1. I will have a bigger number to hit, and the only way to do that is to hire and train some new troops.
2. New products and markets are forcing us to look at our process and how we approach a more complex sale. Maybe what we have been doing isn’t going to be good enough…
3. A smooth ramp into 2018 is critical and I need something to energize and reward my team, provide new training, capitalize on investments we’ve already made, and align with our overall business objectives. I think I need to do a Sales Kick Off in the beginning of the new fiscal year.
Level213 partners with sales leaders to solve for these challenges. We provide the expertise and resources for all your sales enablement challenges, including complete Sales Kick Off Experiences, sales process consulting, and new hire training/ramp plans, and more. Check out www.level213.com for more information or to book a consultation.
Note: we are currently booking a limited number of SKO Experiences for Q1’18. If this is something you are interested in, contact us now to schedule a consult before dates are gone.
Amanda Ambrose, Co-Founder & Chief Coaching Officer at Level213